Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sunday Thoughts

It has been a while since I posted.
My apologies.
Baby M was super adorable in Sacrament Meeting today.
She smelled like baby shampoo,
and (mostly) listened quietly
to the beautiful musical number.
At one point
she decided to experiment with how her voice sounded
as I bounced her on my lap.
That made it hard to hear the speaker,
but made me smile.
Lest you think I did not pay attention,
we heard three lovely talks on testimony.
They brought the Spirit
and made me grateful to see
the hand of God in the lives of my friends.
Lastly, I will just say this:
I love Elder Holland.
He gave the most awesome devotional tonight.
It was a good reminder of how to live.
He taught that in true discipleship,
we must never "check our religion at the door."
It's all or nothing, folks.
I choose all.