Friday, May 28, 2010

Here's to Awesome

I could tell you about how I left work at 6:57 for a 7:30 concert in Cambridge, got stuck in a traffic jam on the way, marvelled at the courage of the guy in a suit (who was also probably running late for something important) who asked every car in both lanes behind him if they minded backing up so the driver of his minivan (!) could back up too and get off at the exit three car lengths behind me, only to get to the back of the line and realize the traffic had started up again and that all the cars behind his minivan had to wait for him to get back into his car before it could drive off, causing even more delay (but I think we all laughed at him instead of getting mad, because at that point, who could do anything but?), and then in spite of it all, making it all the way in to Cambridge on time.

Or I could tell you about how I realized at 6:45 where exactly this concert was, and how I pretty much hate looking for parking there, but at that point it was too late to commit to another mode of transportation, so I just prayed a few times during the drive over, and when I got there, as I drove around the block, a guy walked up and got into the car in the metered spot right in front of me, pulled out, and I pulled in (at 7:29) - and it was big enough to get into without trouble (and that's saying a lot for me!) and was only a block away from where I was going.

But instead, I'm going to tell about the totally awesome piano concert, and how it was really cool to see a good friend play about 90 minutes worth of memorized music - the Prokofiev was my absolute favorite - and think about what sort of skill or passion I have that even comes close to comparing.  (I'm not sure I decided, but I did laugh to think that if all I could come up with was my knowledge of the regulations put out by our government regarding health care, that was kinda lame.)  The music was beautiful.  The piano was beautiful.  And it was super awesome to see someone performing and sharing their passion and talent and sphere of influence like that.

Here's to awesome friends, awesome parking spots, answered prayers, and people who aren't afraid to do things, even if they might be unusual (in the former case) - or extraordinary (in the latter).

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

It's A New Record!

Nope, not on DDR.  Worse.  It's this: if you don't count the oatmeal and banana I ate standing up while talking to 3 different people at 2:15 on the way to another meeting, I ate lunch today at 6 pm.  Awesome.

On the one hand, I can't figure out how tomorrow is Thursday already.  On the other hand, is anyone else ready for the weeknd?

Here's the positive note on which we'll end...

Last night after I finished a long day and a few important conversations, I had the profound realization that even though I don't notice it very well in the critical moments, the Lord answers my prayers anyway and gives me inspiration about the things for which I diligently seek His help.  I had one or two issues weighing on my mind on Monday, and as I pondered the results of the day yesterday, I realized that there had miraculously been conversations and changes in circumstance such that the concerns had resolved.  I discovered that, when it came right down to it, I knew with confidence how to proceed. And then I was grateful - not just for the revelation, but for the capacity the Lord has given me to respond to it without first having to consciously note it as such.

Monday, May 24, 2010

On Success

Sometimes I love hate tolerate Mondays.

At least I'm two for three on the exercise front. My SIL made the point yesterday that it's more productive to call it a success when you do it (but not a loss when you don't), which I have decided that I agree with, since I would otherwise have lost way too many days in a row to feel good about trying to win.  More positive feelings and less guilt. 

So let me say instead - I won today.  I made it home before 7:30 (and all the people coming over for Family Home Evening) and I played DDR with two great friends. Two points for me. Three points, if you count using prayer to overcome high levels of frustration. And only one database crash and one impossible bug.

3-2. I guess the day ends in my favor after all. Goodnight.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Wherein I Did Whatever I Wanted To Do

I came up with a new trick to get me to exercise. I bought another version of DDR. And, of the days I've had it and the days I've exercised, I'm 1 for 1! It was definitely worth the $7.50 investment. Too bad tomorrow's Sunday (Well, it's good that tomorrow's Sunday, but for this) - it will guarantee my success ratio falls by 50%.  Oh well. :-)

I spent a lovely day shopping and spending gift card money, mostly - some of which I've had for nearly 2 years - and now have a few more enjoyable things to wear, use, eat, and remember fondly (the yummy Panera bread sandwich)... and it hardly made a dent in my budget, which felt good.

And then I made dinner. Shocking, I know. It was tasty... spicy chicken over steamed spinach, corn on the cob, strawberries, and fresh zucchini bread.  Mmmm. Makes me wonder why I don't do it more often.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Happy Friday (er, Saturday)

I finished the day and started the evening FRIED.

It reminded me of those old commercials... (hand holding egg) This is your brain. (cracking egg in hot frying pan) This is your brain on drugs.  Only this time, this is your brain after a long week of too much to do.  Or something.  I started to wonder why we call ourselves fried when we feel this way... burnt out, short-circuiting, unable to make coherent thoughts, and then I realized duh.  It's an apt description.

So tonight I relaxed with some friends over a movie and pizza and we made kid crafts - paper plate animals. And they look totally awesome. Fish, snakes, frogs, chickens, and lions. What fun! Too bad there were no pictures taken.  Alas - you will have to imagine them yourself.

And now I had best go to bed before I am tempted to read more of Percy Jackson's adventures - which will keep me up all night and then give me weird dreams again (assuming I fall asleep reading like I almost did last night).

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Let's Try Yesterday Again

OK.  If I had known yesterday what I know today, I would have posted this yesterday.  But I didn't know yesterday where to find what I know today, so I'm posting it today instead.  Many thanks to my fantastic SIL for the guidance! :-)

Monday, I had a bad day.  It was just hard.  Tuesday was much the same (if not worse, for the first half of the day).  I think I would have been distressed about it, except that I remembered reading this by Boyd K. Packer, from his April 1978 talk called "Solving Emotional Problems in the Lord's Own Way".  Just thinking about it made me feel better.  (So did a good nights' sleep, by the way.)

"It was meant to be that life would be a challenge. To suffer some anxiety, some depression, some disappointment, even some failure is normal.

Teach our members that if they have a good, miserable day once in a while, or several in a row, to stand steady and face them. Things will straighten out. [Yes, I added the bolding.]

There is great purpose in our struggle in life.

There is great meaning in these words entitled “The Lesson.”

Yes, my fretting,
Frowning child,
I could cross
The room to you
More easily.
But I’ve already
Learned to walk,
So I make you
Come to me.
Let go now
You see?
Oh, remember
This simple lesson,
And when
In later years
You cry out
With tight fists
And tears
“Oh, help me,
Just listen
And you’ll hear
A silent voice:
“I would, child,
I would.
But it’s you,
Not I,
Who needs to try

(Carol Lynn Pearson, “The Lesson,” Beginnings, New York: Doubleday and Co., 1975, p. 18)"

And that, my friends, is what makes me grateful for the good days that follow the bad, the lessons learned from opposition, church leaders who tell you it's ok if you aren't smiling all the time, and loved ones who help you find the things you remember reading (but can't remember where)!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

On Having Bad Days

I remember reading somewhere by a General Authority (a very authoritative reference, I know; keep reading) something along the lines of the following:

It's ok to have a bad day every once in a while.  It's even ok to have two or three in a row.  But ...

and that's the part I can't remember.  Along with the all-important "who-said-it" part.

Does anyone out there know to what I'm referring?

Friday, May 14, 2010

Friday Fun

Guess who bought a vacuum?  Guess who also was slightly disgusted by the amount of dust, dirt, and hair said vacuum unearthed from her rugs...? I was right.  My house is dirty - no matter what all the people say who compliment its cleanliness.  But not for long!  I'm on a spring-cleaning-anti-dirt kick!

In other news...

Tomorrow is supposed to be beautiful, so we'll get back to work on the yard.  Perhaps this time we'll make more noticeable progress.  One can always hope. ...

I saw an incredibly large and ugly ant today, that would have been much less large & ugly if it weren't on my desk.  It was very persistent in wanting to be involved in what we were working on until we chased it away. Four times.  (I'm too (kind-hearted? respectful? grossed out by crunching exoskeletons? something!) to actually kill it.) ...

I finally put away the clean laundry. ...

Yep, it's been pretty boring around here lately.


Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

To all the women who bring joy into my life: I bought you all flowers. (If you were here I would share them in person.  Since you're not, I am sharing with pictures.)

From the side...

And a top view!


Friday, May 7, 2010

Tiny Update

I clipped all the little white flowers off the lily of the valley plants in my front yard today and brought them inside. They are now crammed into a tiny vase, sort of skeewompus-like, on my dining room table.  But, oh, they smell heavenly!

The weekend has come (why does it have to rain on Saturday???) and I have a million things to do, but I am content.

On Sunday, I am teaching about the Holy Ghost. It has been interesting to prepare for the lesson.  Mostly, it gives me cause to ponder all the ways the Holy Ghost has influenced my life.  It's probably easier to enumerate the ways it hasn't. (None. Done.) In so doing, I am awed by this supernal gift that our Father has seen fit to give His children. The presence, influence, and testimony of a member of the Godhead in our lives always - as long as we are worthy. Nothing compares. Nothing. 

What roles does the Holy Ghost have in your life?

Monday, May 3, 2010

On Life

My house is full of half-done projects.  Laundry stands piled up in the bedroom, waiting to be washed.  Other laundry piles up in the other bedroom, waiting to be folded.  The dishes are half done.  The garbage is taken out, but the recycles are waiting.  We spent 2 hours out in the front yard, transplanting less than half the lilies of the valley, digging out the first of two terrible bushes, and getting bitten by mosquitoes.  I hope the mosquitoes are half gone, but that might be hoping too much.

But I feel satisfied that things are moving - even if not as quickly as I'd like... they are still moving.

And I am boiling water.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

An Extra Lesson for Sunday

A few years ago, our Stake Presidency said "Get your water storage - if not a year's worth, at least 2 weeks' worth."

I thought to myself, It seems obnoxious when you move regularly, but I'll do it so I can be obedient. And I did. Then, for almost 3 years, I had 15 gallons of bottled water in my storage room, none of which I used... and some of which leaked, and then had to be replaced.  Sometimes I wondered why I bothered.  But I did it.

Yesterday, a water main broke and we no longer have potable water.  We are to boil any tap water we expect to ingest... drink bottled water... sanitize our dishwater with bleach before washing dishes... etc.  When I heard about this, I thought two things.  First, I'm glad I have water storage! and second, Yay! I have a good reason to avoid doing my laundry or the dishes tonight.  Now, it turns out, it might be longer than a day or two before the water line is fixed.  And I'm more grateful today than I was yesterday for my 15 gallons of bottled water.  There will be something do drink this week.

Follow the prophets and your inspired leaders.  There will always come a day when you will be grateful you did.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


It's somehow May. I'm not sure what happened. (Looks back.) Where did April go? (Shrug.)

Changing the subject to baby toys... I was shopping at Target last night and saw this: Baby's First Computer. Here's an interesting reflection on our generation! Gone are the days of rattles and squeaky ducks.  Now we spend our money on interactive learning toys (instead of teaching our kids the old fashioned way - by reading to them and reviewing their numbers and letters alongside them) and buy fake computers for our one-year-olds (who will likely learn how to use (and then want to spend too much time on) the real computer within a year). Yikes.

That's about all I have to say.