Friday, May 28, 2010

Here's to Awesome

I could tell you about how I left work at 6:57 for a 7:30 concert in Cambridge, got stuck in a traffic jam on the way, marvelled at the courage of the guy in a suit (who was also probably running late for something important) who asked every car in both lanes behind him if they minded backing up so the driver of his minivan (!) could back up too and get off at the exit three car lengths behind me, only to get to the back of the line and realize the traffic had started up again and that all the cars behind his minivan had to wait for him to get back into his car before it could drive off, causing even more delay (but I think we all laughed at him instead of getting mad, because at that point, who could do anything but?), and then in spite of it all, making it all the way in to Cambridge on time.

Or I could tell you about how I realized at 6:45 where exactly this concert was, and how I pretty much hate looking for parking there, but at that point it was too late to commit to another mode of transportation, so I just prayed a few times during the drive over, and when I got there, as I drove around the block, a guy walked up and got into the car in the metered spot right in front of me, pulled out, and I pulled in (at 7:29) - and it was big enough to get into without trouble (and that's saying a lot for me!) and was only a block away from where I was going.

But instead, I'm going to tell about the totally awesome piano concert, and how it was really cool to see a good friend play about 90 minutes worth of memorized music - the Prokofiev was my absolute favorite - and think about what sort of skill or passion I have that even comes close to comparing.  (I'm not sure I decided, but I did laugh to think that if all I could come up with was my knowledge of the regulations put out by our government regarding health care, that was kinda lame.)  The music was beautiful.  The piano was beautiful.  And it was super awesome to see someone performing and sharing their passion and talent and sphere of influence like that.

Here's to awesome friends, awesome parking spots, answered prayers, and people who aren't afraid to do things, even if they might be unusual (in the former case) - or extraordinary (in the latter).

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