Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Best Book Ever

I love The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ.

It is just a wonderful book, chronicling the dealings of God with His children on the American continent over a thousand-year period, and teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ in plainness and simplicity. Today in church we discussed the beautiful vision Lehi had of the tree of life, and after church, as I pondered what I had learned, I grew in understanding of how the vision fits with the entire plan of salvation. We are blessed to be children of a loving Father in Heaven who has specific plans for His children.

This year, one of my goals is to pray each day for the opportunity to bless someone's life, so that I can be a better instrument in the hand of God. I try to pay attention throughout the day, so I can find the opportunity for which I've prayed. Some days, it is obvious what I am to do. Other days, it might be so small, I'm not even sure it will make a difference. But it does make a difference, in both my life and the lives of those I try to help. Here is how I know that:

Yesterday, at the store, the cashier asked me how I was. I gave the standard response (I am well, thanks; how are you?) and she actually answered my question. It was the day after her 21st birthday. She shared how she had celebrated the birthday that began her adult life. That turned into a conversation, since my awesome sister shares her birthday, and she was genuine and kind. It was such a pleasant experience, I left feeling lighter and happier than before. (Not that I wasn't happy before, but I had already been out running errands for hours, and was tired and not wanting to go out again, despite the imminent need to make dinner out of something other than eggs, carrots and potatoes, which was about all I had in the fridge.)

Thank goodness for the Spirit, who teaches me how to act; the examples of others, who demonstrate by their actions that even the small things have power to bless; and the scriptures, which confirm the benefits of righteous living.

Happy Sabbath.

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