Saturday, January 7, 2012


This morning I cleaned the church. Not by myself, thankfully, but with a fair number of other dedicated CRW-ers who were willing to respond to the call of duty. It was two hours of fun, and now we have a beautiful, orderly building for worship tomorrow.

After our cleaning adventures, some went to lunch in Harvard Square. I wanted a shower more than lunch, so we declined joining them, and came home to clean up.

The sun was shining and it was warmer than usual (read: low 50s), so my friend and I decided a day outside would be a good way to appreciate it. We ended up in Rockport, MA. It was warm-ish in the sunshine (except right by the ocean) and chilly in the shade, and we walked up and down Rockport center and poked around its quaint little shops. We saw many beautiful handmade trinkets - my favorites were the colored glass and the gorgeous hyperbolic scarves - we smelled the fantastic cheese strudel baking at the little cafe (and wished it would be less than twenty more minutes before it was done), and we admired the ocean views. The rocky northern shores of the Atlantic seem to me to be a wild sort of beauty, with white-tipped waves crashing against the rocks.  It was a beautiful way to enjoy a day of January sunshine.

And since no adventure is complete without a Jamba Juice, we stopped on the way home for a treat.

Happy Saturday!

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