Saturday, May 12, 2012

Nothing Terribly Exciting

I felt accomplished today. I did about 6 loads of laundry... and most of it is folded and put away! That's the first time in, well, longer than is proper to admit (ahem... the folding and putting away part... not the doing laundry part). Anyway, I wouldn't remember even if you asked.

While I was putting things away, I also got rid of some clothes that I never wear/have holes in them/are otherwise generally useless, and put spring-summer clothes in one place and fall-winter clothes in another. It will be a lot easier to decide what to wear when I don't get mixed up about what season it is by looking in my closet.

I also managed to clean the church this morning - and arrive on time! - and edge the yard (until I ran out of cord, at which point I totally switched gears and cleaned the garage instead, and now I can actually park my car in there, which is amazing, especially considering that when I tried the other day, I realized even if I did successfully park, I wouldn't be able to get out of my car because there was too much junk hanging around in there) - and go to the grocery store - and finish a few other various tasks that have been hanging around much too long, waiting to be done. Sadly, the list is still longer than my energy level. Does anyone want to come visit and clean my bathroom? :-)

Last night I went to a friend's home for dinner and we talked. She told me about one of her friends who is dealing with lots of tricky issues. It was a good reminder that I can be grateful for what I have, even if it isn't ideal, because I have more than many others do.

I bought myself tulips today because they are pretty and make me happy. Pink tulips. Warm weather makes my heart happy too. I opened windows today!

Once upon a time I had a plan to go to bed early tonight. Somehow that changed. So I guess I'm done.

If you want to read something more substantive, I'm guest posting on again tomorrow.

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