Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Random News

Recently, I've taken to writing down my schedule in a little calendar I've been carrying around (but not using) since last Christmas. On the one hand, it makes things easier. I don't forget where I'm supposed to be. On the other hand...

Tonight was my only free evening all week, so I determined it was a good time to buy a gift for a good friend and purchase three things I needed at Target. Off I went on my shopping excursion... I came home with five things from Target, the gift, two new tops, and an absolutely adorable coat. If the stores hadn't all been been closing, I'd probably have some boots, too.

Plus one for good time management! I caught a 40% off everything sale.

In other news...

Fall has come, and along with it the time for alluring cinnamon-scented tree parts (last year it was a stick broom... this year, pinecones!). They make me happy. Still. Just like they did last fall. Only this year, I have an awesome turquoise charger on which to place said pinecones.  See?

Sorry... this is not a scratch 'n sniff picture.

I'm not sure which is the more incredible feat - the clutter-free table or that I designed a centerpiece on my own. Either way, I am happy!

I love the scriptures. This morning as I read, it was like wrapping my heart in a down comforter. Warmth, calm, and a peaceful feeling came over me as I read familiar words from the Book of Mormon. Words of a prophet. Isaiah, to be precise, as quoted by another prophet, Nephi. They are like old friends and faithful companions, come to strengthen me in the current challenges of the week. It was a great way to start the morning.

It has been nearly a year since the weekend of Stake Conference in 2010, during which I received personal revelation in preparation for a big change coming my way in the weeks following. I look forward to Stake Conference again this weekend, for the insight and spiritual strength it will inevitably provide, and as a way to mark the growth I have observed in my own life. Personal revelation is a great gift. The ability to cheerfully walk down the path on which it leads me is another gift. This week, I am grateful for both of these precious gifts.

And lastly (but most definitely not most importantly)?  I think Dilbert gets funnier every week.

The End.

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