Sunday, December 4, 2011

And When You're Feeling Creative...

What does your gingerbread house look like?

Last year I made a little nativity in my gingerbread yard. Don't remember? Check out last December's posts. (I'm too lazy to link it.)

This year, I made the suggestion that my good friend the gingerbread-house-making-princess make me a stable instead of a house. It turns out I like making Tootsie Roll people better than decorating the walls of a house.

Here is how it turned out:

Details of note: Joseph has a beard. I made hay out of Nerds. (Coconut would have worked better, but I had already committed to the Nerds when I figured that out. Next year.) My camel is nothing short of awesome (I think my sheep are pretty awesome again, too). Blue frosting made good water in the well. The Star(burst) on the top of the stable and the straight and narrow path lead a man right to Christ.

I find great joy in creating things that remind me of Christmas. Even if it's with candy.

May the joy of the season be with you now and always.


Post Edit: the cloaks are made of flattened Dots, I think; if not that, then it was flattened gumdrops. I can't remember... Any other questions? :-)


  1. Love it! I've never been a fan of making gingerbread houses - now I know what I've been missing. Tootsie Rolls! (And you.)

  2. Nice job! That's pretty impressive! How did you do Joseph and Mary's cloak's?
