Sunday, March 11, 2012

A Partial Answer to A Hard Question

I had a conversation with a colleague on Friday that has been rolling around in my head all weekend. It was one of those conversations that left me thinking, because in it he asked a question and I didn't have an easy answer.

The conversation was about revelation. The question? What happens if I read and understand a scripture one way, and my ecclesiastical leader understands it a different way and counsels me to do the opposite? Who is right?

It's a fair question, and a hard one. I like these kinds of questions, because they give me an opportunity to consider my faith (which is different from my friend's) and why I have not asked that question myself. And now, two days later, I have some initial thoughts - perhaps a part of an answer.

At the foundation of my thoughts are some fundamental assumptions inherent in my faith that ought to be articulated.

First. I belong to a church that is directed by Jesus Christ at its head; indeed, it is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. His doctrines are eternal and unchanging.

Second. As members of Christ's church, we have a prophet who is called of God to lead His people. This prophet will not - and cannot - lead the church away from Christ's doctrine. If he tried, he would be removed from his place. Additionally, local ecclesiastical leaders are called of God, by revelation, and lead the people over whom they have stewardship by revelation.

Third. Just as importantly, each individual is entitled to receive revelation for himself, and through that revelation can confirm all points of doctrine and instruction from his leaders.

Now for my thoughts.

I have never had the experience my friend asked about. I can't even really fathom it. My foundation of truth provides the tools necessary to align any counsel I am given with the principles of the gospel, and I can't think of a time in my life when I have been asked to do something by my leaders that went contrary to those principles.

When my leaders counsel me to do something, I can use the following scripture as a guide:

Wherefore, all things which are good cometh of God; ... that which is of God inviteth and enticeth to do good continually; wherefore, every thing which inviteth and enticeth to do good, and to love God, and to serve him, is inspired of God. (Moroni 7:12-13)

If what I am being counseled to do will bring me closer to God and inspire me to do good, then I can be assured it is of God.

A church can be measured in the same way: if it is of God, it will invite you to do good continually. It will model His gospel as outlined in the New Testament. It will teach His doctrines as they are taught in all the holy scriptures. And those teachings will be consistently reemphasized today by prophets, just as in former days. Although The Church of Jesus Christ is administered by men, who are fallible, it is led by Jesus Christ Himself, just as its name articulates. And He who gave His life to redeem us all will not fail us now.

What are your thoughts?

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