Sunday, February 17, 2013

More Interesting Things in My Life

I made this for dinner tonight,

thanks to my sister, who sent me the link to the recipe she posted on her blog (here) after we were talking about dairy-free recipes last week. I now have about 4 days' worth if I eat lots every time. I hope I still like it when the week is over!

In other news, I will share evidence of my inner nerd. After a conversation with dad tonight, I picked up my college physiology textbook to read about insulin regulation. Then I went online to read up on the latest literature on a semi-related topic. I remembered some things, learned some other things, and now I have twice as much work to do at work tomorrow. Oh well.

More to come as I learn more about what I'm learning, but maybe not until after I warm up again after the bitter, windy, snow-blowy day we just had.

PS - Does anyone know why an apostrophe or a quote mark doesn't show up on my computer until I've typed another letter? And when I type " and then a space, it doesn't show up until after I hit the space bar, but then it doesn't put in the space!!! It's kind of making me crazy... this didn't happen on my old computer.

And now I've successfully wasted the time I was supposed to use getting ready for bed. :-) Good night.

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