Thursday, June 9, 2011

Roses & Yard Waste

You can tell this one's going to be exciting, just by reading the title.

It got hot yesterday, and all my roses bloomed at once. It looks pretty awesome. We have these climbing bushes that I am trying to train across the entire fence on one side of my front walk. I want to see how far out the branches can grow - so far, the longest branch is about 5 feet long. A few more years and some careful pruning and it might actually look the way I envision it in my mind.

Tonight I was happy because I remembered that tomorrow is yard waste day - and I made the effort to put out the yard waste that has been wasting away in my garage for 3 weeks. Two of the bags went well. Pick it up, stagger out to the front of the house while balancing the umbrella with your shoulder, avoid the puddles, etc. The third bag? I lifted it up and the bottom had rotted away, so the contents of the bag are no longer bagged. Time to clean the garage.

If I'm really lucky this weekend, I'll find the energy to kill all the evil ivy growing in my backyard, too.

But all the flowers are worth the efforts. :-)

1 comment:

  1. The roses would be breathtaking covering the fence. I like your vision. And congrats on remembering to take out your yard waste. Tomorrow will feel better because of it.
