Tuesday, June 28, 2011

On Leadership

Here's what I learned reading 2 Nephi 31 tonight.

To be a good leader:

You must walk in front.
You must define the laws, rules, and boundaries by which you and your followers will accomplish the goal.
You must live by all the laws, rules, and boundaries you create.
You must clearly communicate - by word and by example - the laws, rules, and boundaries.
You must clearly communicate - by word and by example - the rewards for achieving the goal, and the consequences for failing to do so.

Choosing to lead by both word and example allows you to avoid hypocrisy and deception.

All these things enable your followers to trust you.
Anything less than this opens the door for doubt, for if you cannot be sure of the leader or the way, how can you be confident in the reward (and thus, what's the point)?

Jesus Christ was the perfect example of a leader. Choose to pattern your leadership after His.

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