Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day To All The Wonderful Fathers In My Life

Tonight I made a beautiful pizza.  It had peppers, basil, home-seasoned sauce, onion, ham, pineapple, and lovely stringy mozzerella cheese.  When I took it out of the oven, it looked perfect.  The cheese had melted and browned to perfection, and it was worthy of a picture.

But I didn't take one.

Then I picked it up to move it to the table so my friend and I could eat.  Before I'd even gone one step, it fell out of my hands, and landed on the floor - plop - upside-down.  (I guess I greased the pan too well!)  My lovely friend said, "I'll eat it anyway - quick - pick it up!"  So we did.  We flipped back over the pan and put the crust back on it. Using two handy spatulas, and we scraped most of the plopped toppings back onto the pizza, spread it around a little, and put it on the table. 

I didn't take a picture of that, either, but I should have.

The pizza still tasted good.  When you make your own sauce seasonings, definitely add all of these ingredients: ground black pepper, red pepper flakes, oregano, and cinnamon.  The red pepper flakes give it a little kick, and the cinnamon makes it delish!

Then I called my dad... and my brothers... and wrote this post.  I would have made the pizza for them, too, if I were closer.  But I don't know if they would have wanted to eat it after it fell on the floor.  :-)

And that is my Father's Day story.

1 comment:

  1. You grew up with my husband Liz, you should know that he'll eat just about anything, even if it fell on the floor. :) Also, your story of the pizza falling reminded me of my last birthday when he accidentally dropped my birthday cake on the floor, frosting side down, on his way back into the kitchen. We still ate some of that too. :)
