Wednesday, August 4, 2010

On Prayer

In the scriptures we are counseled to "pray always" - to pray*

- for mercy
- over our fields & flocks
- over our household (three times a day!)
- against the power of our enemies
- against the devil
- over our fields, for prosperity (or whatever brings us wealth)
- over our flocks, for increase (or whatever puts food on the table)

As well, we should pour out our souls in our closets and our secret places and our wilderness.  And when we're not speaking with the Lord, we should let our hearts be full, drawn out in prayer unto him continually for our welfare and also for the welfare of those around us. Then, after all that, we are to be charitable, to give to those in need and ease the burdens of others.

* this list is not all-inclusive

I am having an interesting time translating this idea of "pray always" into real life. I do pretty well at "pray in the morning" and "pray at night" and "pray with gratitude over your food". I think I even manage some of the listed topics every day. But when life becomes hectic, when the movement from one thing to the next takes place before one can take a breath, when busy-ness escalates to the point the even meals are missed (or when distractions take their toll), how does one remember to "pray always?"

I take some comfort in the fact that "the song of the righteous is a prayer" unto the Lord, so if I have a hymn in my head, it's like a prayer.  Thus, my experience today with my mind singing "Love at Home" while my hands filed the papers left by another less-than-diligent-person for me to deal with was more holy than it otherwise would have been.  And the days when I don't feel the promptings of the Spirit quite so strongly feel more successful when I remember that the music of the Spirit filled my heart instead.  But often, I come home after a long day, and wonder... I thought a lot about prayer this morning, and am thinking about it now, but what happened in between?

No matter how challenging this idea is to incorporate - and I imagine I'll be doing it for the rest of my life -

I believe in prayer,
I know our prayers are heard,
And they will be answered,
Because He loves us.

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