Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Questions (and Random News)

I learned how to make potato pancakes last night.  They tasted best with salt and syrup. I guess I like the sweet/salty thing. Both seem right for potatoes.  You used to eat your Wendy's fries and frosty together too, right?

It has rained for three days straight. Time to get out the long sleeves and recover a whole new wardrobe from the other closet...  I sort of hope not - it is still August, you know - but it went from 80 to 60 this week. Brr...

Now for the real question.  What do you know about Austrian history?  How does one go about searching for information about an ancestor born in Austria and married in France?  Could an event like the War of the Spanish Succession (1701-1714) have been something to move him the 250 miles between the two places?

Lots of questions... no answers. Yet.

Time + Study + Inspiration = Answers.  Almost always.  Eventually.


  1. Don't you worry - it's supposed to be hot again (high 80s/low 90s) this weekend. Temperature schizophrenia, thy name is Boston!

  2. Always start by confirming what you think you already know, and then move slowly outward.
