Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Cyclists of the Boston Variety

Warning: Rant.

1. Person on bicycle without a helmet, riding through an intersection of a one-way street the wrong way. As the light turns green for cross traffic. Huh?

2. Two persons, wearing black, riding down a dimly lit main road (on the proper side, but not in tandem!), with no head or tail lights. Are you trying to die?

3. Two more persons, wearing dark colors, riding in the bike lane of a typically busy road at 10 pm, with no helmets, head or tail lights.  Um, please tell me you're not going to get mad at me if I hit you... and then see Question 2.

When I ran the Reach the Beach relay, I sort of hated wearing those lit up glow vests at night, but they did have one effective purpose.  I was visible.  Really, how much does a set of those blinky lights cost?  At least wear a head lamp... or stick a flashlight in your mouth... or something.  Save us all the emotional trauma of unintentionally injuring someone we couldn't see.

To my esteemed friends who bicycle safely (i.e., wear helmets, use lights, and ride on the proper side of the road), thank you.

1 comment:

  1. They're pretty bad in Provo too... one guy in N's class got mad because a police officer gave him a ticket for running a red light on his bike.
