Monday, September 20, 2010

Random Thoughts on a Monday

Within a four-day span, I saw the Atlantic, the Pacific, and the Atlantic again. The clouds seem to hang lower in the Pacific, and you can spot bits of blue sky in between the piles of grey.  Sometimes, coming off a mountain, you descend into the cloud for a bit, before descending below its reach.  Parts of northern California look a little bit like New England, but only here and there, in an "almost, if you use your imagination," sort of way.  I missed the charm of New England while I was gone.  Only four days, but I was ready to come back.

I believe now a little more than I did before (which was already a lot, for the record) in miracles, marriage, and the great power that creating an eternal family has over the forces of evil in the world.  It brought hope to my heart to see the joy and happiness radiating from the faces of a bride and groom; both had waited years for this day, and both agreed it was well worth the wait.  Our Father has a specifically tailored plan for each of us, and great happiness lies at the end, if we will but trust in Him.

Tonight, I bought a cinnamon-scented broom-shaped decorative piece for my house.  Because every time I walk into Shaw's, the smell permeates my nostrils and piques my interest, and calls my name. Once I found the source of the smell, the decision was made.  Even though I (as a general rule) don't like Halloween decor, I'll figure out how to use it. It makes me happy. I deserve to be happy. (Especially if it only costs $6.99...)

Never go to San Francisco without renting a GPS with your vehicle. Especially if you're going to make me the navigator. I realized I've been living in New England a while because east is now defined as "toward the ocean" and west is "away from the ocean".  That works about as well in CA as "go toward the Pru" does in Western MA...  Fortunately, our driver knew what I meant in spite of my redefined directionality, and we got where we were going. Mostly. (Even if we did take the scenic route once or twice.)

That is all.

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