Monday, November 8, 2010

DST Has Ended

No more daylight savings time this year.

For me, this means darkness before 5 pm. It means endless days ahead of "night" driving, even when I'm going somewhere before dinner (I mean, the time regular people eat dinner... here, dinner is sometimes had after dark even in high summer...). It means cold.

But, last night, as I was in my kitchen at 4:30 (because it was Sunday and I had time to cook), I looked out my window and saw the most beautiful sight. The sky was red-gold and brilliant, and the setting sun was reflecting off the clouds, spreading across the horizon far and wide.  As I watched, I saw those gorgeous reds gathered into the sunset, growing deeper and more focused, until they were all collected low on the horizon.

And I was grateful that because DST had ended, I had seen the sunset on an early Sabbath evening.

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