Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Making My Tuesday

I read my SIL's post about sword fighting with gogurt and laughed and laughed and laughed.  It makes me laugh just thinking about it!  (Of course, I wasn't the one who would have had to clean it up...)

I remembered to call a friend I've been thinking about for a few weeks. At an hour reasonable enough to actually call, not just think about. Yay! And, another friend called me this morning, and we had a lovely chat on the way to our respective destinations, arriving at approximately the same time, so neither of us felt guilty for getting off the phone when we did. I love it when that happens.

It only took 2 tries to successfully parallel park in the space I found on a busy street in Washington Square tonight. Awesome. I have skillz (especially if the space is half again as big as the car...)

My headache was apparently inversely correlated to the number of calories consumed in the past four hours. Who knew? (she says, as she continues to eat dark chocolate covered pomegranate goodies after dinner... (hardly a permanent solution (but boy, are they yummy!)))

The above paragraph slightly resembles some independent if statements I wrote a few weeks ago... minus a few commas...

These are some things that made me happy today. Thus endeth the randomness. Back to work. After one more chocolate pomegranate thingy.

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