Sunday, April 17, 2011

More On Kids.

I have pondered the injunction given by our Savior
and had the following thought process as a result:

One of the things I love best
about the little children I know
that they are excited to see me
when I come into their lives.
Their unconditional love is evidenced by their actions...
running up for hugs,
eager to show me their latest magic trick,
wanting to cuddle and snuggle and be held.
I can be wearing a messy ponytail or perfectly made up,
in sweats or in a suit,
and there's no need to present the picture-perfect life to them -
they don't care.
They love me because I am me.
They forgive quickly if I do something silly
or make a mistake,
and they overlook my shortcomings,
faults and failings.
It's just not part of what they consider
when they think of me.

I think our Heavenly Father is like this, too.
He loves me because I am me.
I don't have to present a picture-perfect life
to be accepted of Him.
He overlooks my faults and failings
when I sincerely repent,
and doesn't allow those former errors
to affect His judgment of my heart as it is today.

The hugs I get from children
are little reminders of His love -
and just like them,
He wants me to tell him about everything
that goes on in my life,
little or big,
interesting or not.
He loves me
the way I love these children -
wholly and completely,
even when they climb all over me,
kick me out of bed,
need help brushing their teeth,
or fall down and dissolve into a puddle of tears
(as much for the love and consolation
that inevitably follow as because it hurt).

I want to be like all these little children I know
and love others the way He
(and they) love me -
freely, wholly, completely, and forgivingly.

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