Sunday, March 13, 2011

Daily Bread & How to Get It

Here is a good talk.

And it seems that this is all I have to say today.


Post Edit:

OK. I changed my mind.

We talked today in Sunday School about the parables Jesus taught during His ministry. Specifically, we discussed the parable of the sower. You know the story... a sower went forth to sow, and his seeds fell on four different types of ground. Each one had a different result - the seeds that fell by the wayside were picked up by the fowls of the air... the seeds that fell among stony ground sprouted, but then died because they had no depth to their root system... the seeds that fell among thorns grew, but then were choked and died... and the seeds that fell on good ground brought forth fruit in varying measures.

It occurred to me as we discussed this parable that if the interpretation of the parable includes the sower to mean Jesus, and the seeds to mean the word of the Gospel, and the ground to mean our (collective) hearts, that a concept we don't talk about enough includes the sower's preparation of the ground prior to sowing; that is, He does everything in His power to make our ground good - rich, deep soil that will take the word and let it grow. This includes harrowing, roto-tilling, digging, removing stones, etc. - and that is what His Atonement does for us, if we let it. It takes our rocky, wayside, or thorny ground (and I would venture to guess for most of us, some of each) and makes it good. It is usually a painful and difficult and lengthy process, but over time, as we allow the sower to till our hearts, we find that we have good ground, deep and rich, and that the seed of His Gospel has sprung up and become a tree bearing a most delicious and wonderful fruit.

And that opens the door for an extensive and enlightening study of Alma & Amulek's discourses on faith and the works that follow such faith... but that is a topic for another day.

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