Sunday, March 6, 2011

Happy Sabbath!

I spent a lovely day visiting with old friends - people with whom I have spent too little time in the past few months. It was fabulous.

Spring is springing... the snow in front of my house is nearly melted, allowing for safe street parking again (yippee!) without fear of being whacked by an oncoming car as you exit your vehicle... plants are starting to bud and blossom... and I didn't have to wear a coat to church today. These are exciting things.

I made a successful white sauce today, and turned it into the most awesome lasagna I've ever made (not hard, honestly, since I think I've only attempted lasagna one or two other times), from THIS recipe.

How did I find it, you ask?

Well, as I was driving home yesterday from my temple shift, I decided I wanted to go to the store prior to going home, since I was tired enough from working that I knew if I went home I wouldn't go back out again, and since I had a dinner scheduled for tonight and I had rediscovered lasagna noodles in my food storage when I moved it all back into my kitchen last weekend, I determined that I needed to make a lasagna, but I didn't have a good recipe, so I called my sister, who (awesomely) looked one up online for me and told me what ingredients to buy while I was out shopping. Incidentally, I also found a cute top at Ann Taylor (don't ask me how that got on the recipe list ... these things just happen).  Then, later, I decided I should buy real milk instead of trying to make a white sauce with soy milk, because (seriously!) the sauce is already loaded with dairy anyway (read: 1/2 cup butter, 2 cups cheese...), so why bother with the soy milk - and I don't know if you even can make a white sauce with soy milk - so I ended up going out again after all. So much for that. :-)

One thousand positive reviews, it turns out, are a pretty good indicator that a recipe is worth it.

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