Thursday, February 11, 2010

Five Reasons Why My Mother is a Saint

1. She mailed me a package.
2. It had fresh AZ grapefruit and oranges.
3. It came the week I was sick (and I generally only get sick twice a year).
4. She didn't even know about the being sick part until after it was in the mail (inspired!).
5. I ran out of fresh fruit yesterday (double inspired!).

I ate the first one as soon as I got home, and it was just what I needed.  I love you, Mom! Thank you!

PS - February grapefruit taste about a billion times better than January grapefruit.  Just so you know.


  1. Okay, I'm so jealous! Of the grapefruit part (not the being sick part. HOpe you feel better soon!) I love AZ grapefruit and I so wish I had a box of them. YUM!

    Moms are indeed the best!
