Tuesday, February 9, 2010

On Being Ill

My ears pop almost every time I swallow. Awesome.

I stayed home and spent the better part of the day on the couch.  The couch and I are now good friends.  Between one and three o'clock in the afternoon (this time of year), the sun shines in my windows (if I open the blinds) and sheds some light on my situation.

It could be worse.  I could have no voice (instead of a croaky one) and thus would not have been able to chat with my SIL this afternoon.  My neighbor could have kept her warm soup to herself at lunchtime.  I could have had no internet connection - and thus no entertainment for most of my coherent day.  My blog font could make the word Ill look like the Roman numeral three.

So now I will go to bed and hope that 12 hours of sleep will make me functional tomorrow - or at least able to be up for longer than 30 minutes at a time.  I'll take whatever I can get.

The end.


  1. Haha... I did think it said III instead of Ill at first. But to be fair, I saw it on Google Reader, so it wasn't really your blog font's fault. :) I hope you feel better soon!
