Friday, February 18, 2011

Happy Friday!

Well, what do you know. I still want Starburst jelly beans.  (All the more reason to avoid going to Target this weekend.)

Homemade calzones are awesome.  Especially when you don't have to make the dough.

The best default movie is Pride & Prejudice. Yes, the loooong A&E version.

It was warm enough today to melt some of the snow - now I can see the cars coming when I back out of my driveway! Miracles will never cease - so long as there is faith upon the earth. I have been exceedingly grateful the past few weeks for the lack of falling snow - and, this week, the warmer weather that is making it all go away. Bring on Spring!

Arizona grapefruit are still amazingly wonderful. And fresh-squeezed orange juice? Dee-lightful.

That is all.

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