Wednesday, March 24, 2010

On Learning

Last night I decided that if my 8 year old niece can do a poster presentation on the Great Barrier Reef, I can learn something useful during all the time I spend on the internet.

So I read Wikipedia's article on the Great Pyramid of Giza. And I thought about the children of Israel when they were in bondage in Egypt (see Exodus, first 8-10 chapters) and how they had to make bricks every day as their job, and then thought about how maybe they would have built the pyramids, too, but that doesn't seem super likely considering they made bricks using straw (not quarried stone) and it doesn't ever reference building anything but granaries ("treasure cities"), so maybe not.  It was interesting to learn about how mathematically beautiful the pyramid is, though, and other things.

And when I finished reading about pyramids last night, I knew more than I did when I woke up yesterday morning.  Thanks, M, for inspiring me to learn (even though you don't know you did it... it was the gchat with your mom!). It was fun. What else should I read about?

Perhaps next I'll learn about how to make bricks, and why it required straw.

1 comment:

  1. A great way to use your inspiration! The picture of her poster may need to wait a little while. The family presentation portion that was suppossed to take place last night was postponed due to weather...
