Sunday, March 14, 2010

Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head

Today was one of those days wherein I anticipated with hope the days when we will have all three hours of church in the same building. It was sort of a soggy day, with rain falling and wind blowing and ruined umbrellas and cold wet nylons, where some churchgoers surely decided which Sunday School class to attend by the distance they had to walk outside instead of the quality of the teacher (or the subject matter), and where two or three faces peeped out of every window near every doorway, apprehensively looking to see if there would be a break in the downpour or anxiously looking to see if that certain someone was coming.  As I avoided puddles on the way to the car and zig-zagged from one side of the walk to the other in the process, I thought happily of the days where, when our church is built or rebuilt (depending on which one we're referring to), we will have all three meetings in one building, and we won't have to worry about remembering umbrellas & coats from class to class. Don't get me wrong... I am very appreciative that we have space to meet in at all, even though it encompasses four buildings, especially after I thought this afternoon, as I looked out the window at the continuing rain, that I am grateful I'm not a pioneer walking to Utah this weekend.  I can't even imagine what that would be like... outside, walking, in a downpour, for three days at a time (the downpour, not the walking). Never dry, not even for a minute, for three days. I was chilled and ready to be done after 5 minutes just walking out to my car! (Of course, the pioneers didn't wear knee length skirts and nylons and heels to walk to Utah, so maybe it wouldn't have been so bad.)

Thus endeth the very long paragraph with very long and probably run-on sentences.  It was the perfect day for lying on the couch under a blanket and reading. So I did.

PS - Happy Pi Day.

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