Saturday, March 27, 2010

Random Saturday Thoughts

This morning I figured out that if your kitchen sink stinks, you can take out the black rubber thingy at the top of the drain and clean off the underside where all the scum grows. It makes it smell much nicer, and is much more effective than spraying Clorox on the already clean parts.

Around lunchtime I decided that I still don't much like cleaning the bathroom.

When the sun started shining in through the windows on the west, I went to Target and bought my own router to replace the one I've been renting along with my internet for the last two years (and have paid for once over and then some, by the way).  Now comes the hard part: figuring out how to hook it up, convincing the internet people to flip the switch on their end that makes it work (maybe?), and returning the rental (which is so old, by the way, that they don't sell them anymore).

Then I had an adventure and discovered what a lovely little beach town Gloucester is. There is something wild and romantic about watching the waves break over a rocky shore. It is a place wherein a wander along the beach would be most desirable... but the weather was so cold that one was better off enjoying the view from inside. Which I did. And I would love to go back - in the summertime.

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