Friday, January 14, 2011

Total Friday Superfail

Last night, I was efficient.  I took the nearly two dozen cookies I made, and carefully put them in two Ziploc sandwich bags.

This morning, I was in a hurry. So I took one of the Ziploc bags and put it in with my lunch.

This afternoon, I ate a cookie for dessert after lunch - then another - then another - then I was sitting at my desk and thought I needed a snack - and look, there's another one available - and the next thing I knew, that Ziploc bag was empty.

Superfail. Thwarted by the hand-to-mouth-without-involving-the-brain habit! 

But now I have a reason to laugh at myself.  And, the cookies were good.

(Everything else about my day was quite successful...  Thanks for asking!)

1 comment:

  1. Clearly the superfail is that you left the other bag at home.
