Sunday, January 9, 2011

What's That You Say?

Up until last year, I had never heard of a "bucket list."  Suddenly, it seemed like everyone had one, and was talking about what was on theirs. When I finally queried someone as to what it was, the reply was it's the list of things you want to do before you kick the bucket.

It makes sense. It makes even more since when you Google it (they have the answer for everything, you know) and find the movie made in 2007 with the same title.Without actually going so far as to watch the movie, I have given the idea some thought. It seems more fun than making New Year's Resolutions. More long-term, yes, but more interesting. A New Year's Resolution is usually something boring, like "read 27 books in 2011" or "learn to love the person who drives me the most crazy in my life".  While I'd like to do those things, too, it would be nice to add a little spice and come up with a bucket list. Something to work towards in the next 15 years or so. (We'll assume for the moment that I'll live at least that long...)

So I'm curious. Do you have a bucket list? What's on it? And why?


  1. That's too funny that you'd never heard that phrase before! Just one of those things I guess. Though now you've left us wondering about what yours is! Mine is a mile and a half long. Visit Germany and speak in German with the natives, read all those "classics" that are always on the top 100 classics lists, take a zip line through a forest, visit every state in the U.S., do a church history trip with my children, serve a mission with John, live in a foreign country for a year, visit Prince Edward Island and see the Anne of Green Gables play...I could go on.

  2. To see all of my children receive their own temple ordinances.

  3. Some that I've already done: Drive over 200 km/h on the Autobahn, go skydiving, bob for apples, wade in the Indian and South Atlantic oceans, visit Victoria Falls and Iguazu Falls and Niagara Falls, see a Bolshoi ballet in Moscow, take a cab ride in a developing country, watch the Eiffel Tower lights twinkle from the Arc d'Triomphe, hang glide over Rio de Janeiro.

    A lot of the other items are things to visit: the Pyramids, every state and country in the Americas, the Great Wall of China, Macchu Picchu, the Colosseum, the Taj Mahal, Ireland, Uluru, Jerusalem, Mt. Rushmore, Redwood National Park. I also want to wear an abaya and see hot lava from close up.
