Saturday, December 19, 2009

Pre-Christmas Madness

Today is one of those days when I'm glad I have food storage.

We're expecting a major snowstorm tonight.  Just like the rest of the Northeast.  Consequently (and this is something I have found entertaining since the first winter I lived here), every single person in this area has gone out - to stock up on food, or to buy a snow blower/shovel, or to finish the Christmas shopping they would have done tomorrow if snow hadn't been in the forecast.  Traffic is nasty, parking lots are filled and overflowing, and there are long lines of people pushing carts full of merchandise everywhere you go.

Wandering through the aisles at Target (well, I said every single person, didn't I? We needed another snow shovel, since the blowers were all sold out!), I noticed gaping spaces on the shelves where all the sale cereals should be, barren racks with only one or two shovels to choose from, and way too many people.  I was grateful I only had to pick up a few things, so I didn't have to navigate a ginormous shopping cart through the minimally available spaces.  The entire way home, I happily thought about how I could probably cook anything I wanted tomorrow without having to shop for it, from cookies, to pot roast, to biscuits with brown sugar.  Whoever came up with the idea of having food storage was brilliant.  Not just because someday an emergency might limit my ability to purchase food, but because whenever a Nor'easter comes my way, I don't have to worry about running out of milk, or flour, or tomatoes, or whatever.  I can just go shopping in my storage room, and presto!  I have everything I need.  Without having to shovel or plow!

And now I'm going to hunker down, watch a Christmas movie, and think about how blessed I am with a roof over my head, heat eminating from my radiators, and enough food to eat in my cupboards.  Bring it on, snow!  I'm ready for you.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! This is exactly the message of my friend Crystal's food storage blog. Have fun and stay warm!
