Wednesday, January 20, 2010

On January

1. January often serves to remind me of how much I will appreciate spring.  2 Nephi 2:11
2. January is a time for resolution and change.
3. In January, I clean, organize, and de-junk.
4. January is the busiest work month, but it is the least busy month otherwise, thus bringing some balance... at least I work without the guilt of missing something more fun.
5. When January flies by, as it seems to be doing this year (the 20th? already???), I am reminded of how much the Lord loves me - enough to make the harder months go by quickly.

Tonight, as I walked to my car, I looked up and saw a bigger-than-a-sliver-but-smaller-than-a-quarter moon shining brightly between two trees.  And I thought to myself, I am glad the sky is clear so I can see that moon - it is my favorite part of the evening.  (See why here.)  And looking at the bright side... if I had left work earlier like I wanted to?  I would have missed the moon.

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