Saturday, January 23, 2010

On Laughter

There is something healthy and healing about laughter.  Perhaps this is because laughter is hard to conjure up alone.  It takes another person, someone else's contribution, the infectious giggle of a child or guffaw of a friend, to bring the bubble of hilarity to the surface.  And then, the freeing moment when it bursts out as laughter!  Genuine laughter - the kind that is shared with, not directed at, another - solidifies friendship and pushes away the feelings of loneliness and doubt that sometimes invade the mind and heart.  It works the muscles in your face and chest, strengthening and expanding the space therein and making room for love.  And whenever laughter and love are shared, peace prevails.

1 comment:

  1. A beautiful post and I just love your blog! I wish we lived close and I would love to laugh with you!
