Thursday, January 28, 2010

Why I Go to Institute

Last night, I tried hard, but only made it to about the last 30 minutes of institute.  So, I'm not really sure what the lesson was supposed to be focused on, but I was able to get a reasonable idea from the time I was there (and it was better than when I only made it to the last 10 minutes of institute the week before!).  I heard a lot of things, and one thing stuck with me:

Understanding our relationship with Deity (we are His children) and that we are created in His image should change the way we treat everyone around us.

This morning, I got upset at the person who (probably didn't see me and) tried to turn left as I was coming at her, forcing me to slam on my brakes, and then she stopped right in the middle of the intersection where I would have run directly into her had I not been as successful stopping as I was, which made me even more frustrated because then I couldn't exactly go around her so she had to go first and then the guy who was going straight decided to go in front of me (probably because he was annoyed that the whole thing happened right in his way) too.  This, of course, only took about 14 seconds, but left me riled up for 10 minutes... until I got to work and was distracted by something much more productive than fuming about something that happened to me (that I probably have done to someone else in the past).  Once I got over being mad, I was just grateful it turned out so well - no ice on the road, no impact, no one got hurt, and I learned an important lesson:

Understanding our relationship with Deity (we are His children) and that we are created in His image should change the way we treat everyone around us. 

Hence the parenthetical remarks in the above story... they are what my brain kept thinking as I processed what had happened.  Hopefully, my actions will catch up with my thoughts some day.

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